Wednesday 16 March 2016

Issues in Libraries

Every human interaction has the potential for conflict. Simple conversations can become confrontations with one misapplied word. As Library workers we seek to keep these issues to a minimum, by diplomacy and understanding. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - but that doesn't mean you don't try.
Issues in Libraries come in all types and flavors.

Library Issues is a subscription on-line magazine that researches these issues as they apply to academic libraries and publishes the results. They maintain a three-volume sample for visitors to peruse. If you think they are covering topics that will help you, the remainder of their collection is available upon subscription.

Public Library News is another site that explores issues, this time in Public Libraries, and publishes hints, help, or results for the use of others.

Library Problems is a site that uses video gifs to express the opinion of the author on the types of problems noted in libraries. Please watch them, they're funny. Appropriate and humorous.